Saturday, December 1, 2012

Little Break from the Sassy Foodophile

Hola guys!

As some of you might have noticed, I have not been writing blog posts as frequently lately. In addition to heavy workload, I have been encountering some issues with the web host which prevented me from uploading pictures properly.  I am planning on updating my blog with an enhanced interface that will help my readers easily surf through my content.

Do not fret! I still enjoy and absolutely love going out to try out new restaurants and food products. And I do miss sharing my discoveries with you guys. Thus, do not worry, I will return shortly once all will be resolved.  2013 will be filled with awesome new articles that will bring your taste buds to life!

Thank you so much for your patience.  Please check out my facebook page meanwhile as I update it frequently with news and pictures from my yummy adventures!

See you all soon!

- The Sassy Foodophile

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Aviary

I will describe this night as the most mind-blowing unreal experience I ever had. Seriously. Without kidding. I get chills as I think about it.

And this is the night of July 26th 2012. In Chicago. At the Aviary. An unusual cocktail bar that brings the ethanol to a level that no one will have ever thought of. The Aviary was opened by three michelin starred chef Grant Atchaz and his partner Nick Kokonas. Chef Atchaz and his team have the talent to destabilize and surprise the man's five senses and I guarantee you that each of these senses will have their series of orgasms through the night. No kidding.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pursue your dreams!

I always knew that I loved to eat ever since I can remember. But boy, was I surprise to see how my childhood was affected by my unconditional love for food! Like I mentioned in my intro, I found a poem that I wrote about food back when I was a kid, precisely in 2001. 

My homework was to write a poem about myself, about how terrific I am at something. Check it out, it just brought a smile to my face reading mini me writing about what I breathe day and night now.

At 14 years old, never would I have thought that I would have pursued studies in Food Science. Never would I have thought that I would be working for a multinational developing new products that everyone could buy at the grocery. Never would I have thought that I would be writing a blog about food! That little me would have had sparkles in her eyes if she knew what is waiting for her. And she would have been so glad that I listen to my desire to pursue my dreams!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

5 revisited poutines in Montreal!

Check out my contribution to the Canadian tourism website! Where to find five poutines in Montreal that will surprise your taste buds!!!!

La Bouffe de rue à Montréal?!?!

La magie des takoyaki aux Souks Gastronomiques du festival Juste Pour Rire
Oui oui oui oui oui!!!! On sent ce jour approcher de plus en plus! Un jour, dans un futur proche, Montréal pourra se vanter de sa grande gastronomie de rue! Et cela sera beaucoup plus que des hot dogs, des pretzels et des burgers! On pourra y trouver tacos, takoyakis, viande de barbecue longuement braisées, sandwich gourmets, etc.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Park Restaurant - refreshing twist to Japanese cuisine

It is funny when you think that a few years back, sushi was still such a novelty and meant only for those who were adventurous enough to try it.  It has come a long way since then! And there has been quite some improvement and evolution from sushi shops, sushi from grocery stores, from buffet or from all you can eat!  Even though Montreal is not necessarily known for this type of cuisine, there is no doubt that the expertise is growing and ever so rapidly!

And I must say that Park restaurant is ranking quite high in its category.  In a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, Chef Antonio Park wisely pairs unexpected ingredients to surprise his patrons. And the quality of the fish he uses cannot be any fresher. Literally. You'll understand why later. Now, please embark to this sensorial journey with me :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

We all scream for ice cream!

Mother Nature has been having mood swings this year.  Whether it is because of the fact that 2012 indicates the end of the world or simply that the earth warming's consequences are starting to make its effect, we had heat waves at unexpected time of the year! Fortunately, that gives us more reasons to indulge into iced and delicious treats!

Here is a list of my fave go to places to cool down:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

La Dinette Nationale

Elle se définit comme La Fabrique de choses sucrées. Le concept est sympa: Vous pouvez vous inscrire ou l'offrir, une fois par mois, vous recevez une boîtes de gourmandises sucrées.  En vous joyant au 'Cercle des croqueurs de choses sucrées', vous pouvez soit essayer pour un mois, tentez 6 mois ou vous gaver pendant un an! Les gâteries peuvent être livrées direct à l'adresse voulue ou encore recueilli à la boutique!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cabane à Sucre Au Pied de Cochon -Sugaring off the fancy way!

With the ever so growing culinary adventurers in quebec, the sugar shack was inevitably going to go through a makeover through the magical hands of some wild chefs.  From my past posts on surprising and unexpected sugar shack meals (here and here), I thought I've tasted it all and that it couldn't get any crazier.  Little did I know what Martin Picard, the owner of the restaurant Au Pied de Cochon, was about to get us into once more.  The most intense, unimaginable, but oh so worth it, food coma!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Joe Beef

Understanding the story behind a restaurant, the chefs, the owners, each dish, and each decoration piece just brings the experience to a whole new level.  Usually, I get super excited whenever I get a new book about food but somehow, I never really get through cover to cover.  Well, The Art of Living according to Joe Beef is a different story.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monsieur B. - BYOW

BYOW restaurants are always interesting.  Either it is to try a new wine without spending tons or by bringing more than one bottle to make your own wine and food pairing, being able to bring your own alcoholic drink is always an added value.  And it doesn't take off a lot from your bill!

I have heard about Monsieur B. quite a lot.  In the same group as Les Infidèles, Les Héritiers and O'Thym, other interesting BYOWs, Monsieur B. is a small place that has a lot to offer.  On the corner of Villeneuve Street where it used to be a depanneur, Monsieur B. is discreet in the neighborhood.  But do not be fooled, it is packed!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Van Horne - un bijou à découvrir!

Van Horne est non seulement le nom d'une rue à Montréal, non seulement le nom d'un homme d'importance dans le transport ferroviaire de l'Amérique du Nord, mais également le nom d'un petit restaurant qui en promet tant!

Situé sur la rue Van Horne (eh oui!), ce restaurant s'est fait beaucoup parlé de lui depuis qu'il a été nommé en 2011 un des 10 meilleurs à travers le pays par le magazine En Route! Les propriétaires Sylvie Lachance et Urs Jakob et le chef Eloi Dion ont su développer une cuisine simple du marché sans chichi avec un décor minimaliste mais avec goût. Parfois, c'est cette approche qui fait le plus valoir les talents du chef et la qualité des ingrédients. Aucune source de distraction, le plat est la star.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Foodie Videos of Montreal!!!

There is no doubt about the Montreal's food scene and how it is becoming world known.  Proof? Look at the following videos from the Food Network! You will be proud to be a Montrealer ;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nouveau produit! Lait au chocolat noir de Natrel

Du lait aux fraises, aux bleuets, à la noisette... il était plus que le temps d'en sortir un au chocolat noir!!!! Et c'est Natrel, d'Agropur, qui a pris l'initiative il y a quelques semaines de lancer cette innovation! Ils classifient leurs deux nouveaux produit (chocolat au lait, chocolat noir) comme étant haut de gamme, offrant une sensation riche et crémeuse en bouche.  Toujours avec du lait 1% mais ils acclament utiliser du VRAI chocolat. Est-ce vraiment le cas? Et nutritionellement parlant, comment se compare-t-il aux laits au chocolat que nous connaissons depuis notre enfance?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Le Comptoir Charcuterie et Vins!

Le Comptoir Charcuterie et Vins… qu'est-ce que ça sonne pour vous? Un comptoir qui sert de la charcuterie et du vin right? Pour vous dire la vérité, je ne comprenais pas trop comment un resto servant de la charcuterie pouvait se retrouver dans le top 10 des meilleurs restos au Canada…